Chairman Miau's Home Page
New:Chairman Miau has been overclocked!
Job: Chairman Maiu looks over the office to make sure everyone is working.
Appearances: Somewhat cat looking. Holds a little red book in his right hand and a sickle in his left.
Hobbies: Stomping on capitalism (namely Nestle and Coca-Cola). Using thought control to get the
population back to work. Overseeing land reform (office reorganization). Staring blankly
into space.
Hates: Will's CCCP top when worn with his £60 Nike trainers and £35 T-shirt.
Eats: Enjoys dining at MAO's Cafe Bar (possibly closed now).
Friends: Kat Marx, Fidel Catstro, Lenin the lion, Stalion the horse, Trotsky the horse.
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